The comedy movie 21 Jump Street was released in 2012. This film is a remake of the 1980’s television series of the same-name, and it tells the tale of two inept police officers named Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum), who are tasked with posing as high school students in order to uncover an illegal drug ring.
21 Jump Street is an all-around amusing and entertaining movie. Hill and Tatum have great chemistry together, and their comic timing is perfect. The movie also does a fantastic job of making fun of the old high school days and trying to make a joke of the fact that the times have changed.
The supporting cast is also excellent, with Ice Cube as the intimidating police captain and Brie Larson, as Schmidt’s love interest, giving noteworthy performances. Fans of the original television series will appreciate the premise of this new one and how they tried to remake a better version of the story.
The self-awareness of 21 Jump Street is one of its benefits. The film doesn’t take itself too seriously, because it is aware that it is a repeat of an old TV series. Instead, it accepts that it is a comedy and makes the most of it.
Having said that, there are several problems with the movie. Some of the jokes are weak, and the plot is somewhat predictable. Also, some viewers might find the language and humor offensive and not take it in the right way.
In general, 21 Jump Street is a funny and enjoyable comedy that any fans of the genre should check out. It may not be a classic of cinema, but it is a really good and enjoyable comedy movie. You will be entertained and have funny memories rewatching this movie.
And if you really like 21 Jump Street you should check out Spy and Beverly Hills Cop.