The current Netflix movie True Spirit, directed by Sarah Spillane, is an inspirational true adventure story, about an Australian sailor named Jessica Watson, who is portrayed by Tegan Croft in the film. Overall, this is a really good movie, and I enjoyed watching it.
True Spirit tells the story of an Australian teen who became the youngest female ever to sail alone around the world. Jessica Watson was inspired by a memoir written by Jesse Martin, which was partly the motivation for her quest. Watson was also able to accomplish her feat with help from her family and management, and she had many years of training and expertise on the sea.
The best aspect of this movie is that all of the actors play their roles really well. I also think that they disappear into their characters. Throughout the whole movie, I was so interested and couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next to Jessica. Overall, I think the actors are excellent.
It is also a really well-written script. I was constantly interested in following Jessica’s journey at seas, and the entire movie is filled with great surprises. However, something they could have improved in the movie is that they could have made it a bit longer.
Additionally, the conclusion of the film made me really unhappy, because it includes the death of a character that the audience really loves. The manner in which it ends is also quite unexpected, but the movie’s plot is overall very effective.
While each scene isn’t extremely long, the flow of this film is excellent. Every scene featured here is important to the overall plot, since it ties into everything that happens, both before and afterwards.
Overall, this movie is definitely worth your time, and if you already have a Netflix account, you should check it out. The actors are amazing, and if you like movies that are inspiring and adventurous, then you will really like this one.
And if you like the movie True Spirit, then you will also like The Odyssey and We Can Be Heroes.