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The News Website for Glendale High School


The News Website for Glendale High School


Diana Arakelian and Her Journey to GHS!

Our amazing math teacher has had many experiences in her life.

Born in Iran to Armenian heritage, Ms. Diana Arakelian’s journey from her homeland, to the classrooms of Glendale High School, is a way to show the transformative power of education and the resilience of the human spirit. With a background in electrical engineering, Mrs. Arakelian began her career as an engineer in her native country, before transitioning to the field of education. Over the years, she has developed her teaching skills, in both Armenian and Muslim high schools, managing diverse cultural differences with compassion. 

Today, as a respected educator at GHS for over eighteen years, Mrs. Arakelian’s passion for teaching, and her commitment to her students, continue to leave a mark on the hearts and minds of all who have had the privilege of learning from her.

Have you always been a math teacher or have you also taught other subjects?

I’m not only a math teacher. We have a very good group of math teachers in our department. I respect them. All of them are awesome, perfect teachers. 

In my home country, I [also] used to teach physics and mechanics. Here, last year, I had the opportunity to teach physics, but unfortunately, not this year. I’m hoping next year I can [teach both] physics and math classes.

What did you major in during college and how did this lead you to GHS?

My major at the beginning [was] in electrical engineering. So I got my bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and then my master’s degree in my home country. 

[Before] I moved to the United States, actually I [had] worked in my home country based on my major as an engineer. Then I moved on to [teaching school], and I taught math and physics in my home country. 

Then when I moved to the United States, I continued my education to receive the teaching credential…and then continued for my master’s degree in teaching. I was fortunate to get a job at Glendale High School. This is my eighteenth year of teaching at Glendale High, but before that, I had some years of teaching experience in my home country. 

What were some difficulties you have faced while trying to reach your goals?

I’m Armenian, but I’m from Iran, so I was facing some difficulties, such as teaching in different schools with Armenian and Farsi languages. However, I loved teaching in different schools, and students had a lot of respect for their teachers, and education was their priority in their life.

When I moved to the United States, I continued my education at Point Loma University, which its main campus is in San Diego, and they have a campus in Arcadia. I completed my credentials and also my master’s degree at this university while I was working for District. It was not easy to go back and
continue the education, but I was able to do it.

Can you describe a typical day for you? How do you prepare for class?

You know, after all these years…[my] preparation is in my head. This means that, as long as I know which topic I need to go over, I know what I’m going to do. And my preparation is based on my students’ skills and knowledge and their background about the concept. So I need to think about which class I’m going to teach, what is their level of math skills, and [then] prepare my lesson plan.

What personality traits do you feel a teacher needs to be successful?

 [You need to] energize, be positive [and] active, and just think about how to prepare students for their future. [You have to] help them to learn. You know, teachers need to always have positive energy [and] always be very active in class. [You also have to] always be kind, but also be firm to students.

How emotionally draining is your job?

Yes, it’s difficult to say, but yes, it is. For example, when I am with students, I am happier to see them succeed and move on. I try to help students who fail, so they can succeed, too.

How has working at GHS influenced your life?

The influence is a lot, because I think this is my second home, you know? Every day when I wake up, I’m thinking [about] my kids, [but] when I say my kids, it’s the students in my school. It’s not my real kids. So it has influence [on me], and I’m thinking that every day, what can I do to make my teaching more powerful and do something that my students…learn better?

What advice do you have for our GHS students?

I just want them to be patient and try to have a hobby of [studying] at home and practicing. These days, students are thinking that learning is only about the school. 

I remember in my time, when I was a student [and] when I used to get home, my work was just starting. But these days, we don’t see too many students…work at home. 

So my advice is that they [should] at least just have a schedule, and prepare a time at home to practice. [It] doesn’t matter whether [it is] math, English, chemistry, or physics; they have to have a schedule for their classes.

Mrs. Arakelian’s journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of education and the profound impact of passionate educators. Through her years of teaching, she has not only imparted knowledge, but she has also instilled a love for learning and compassion in her students. As she continues to inspire and guide future generations at Glendale High School, her story serves as a message of hope and determination for all who dare to pursue their dreams.

About the Contributor
Ilona Serobyan
Ilona Serobyan, Staff Writer
Ilona is a sophomore at Glendale High School, and she is part of the Armenian Club. This is her second year as a member of the journalism staff, and she is proud to work on the school newspaper. She enjoys reading, sports, and art.
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