The Glendale High School Drama Department presented a live-stage production of the murder mystery comedy, Clue, based on the Parker Brothers board game of the same name. This play was written by Sandy Rustin and was adapted from Jonathan Lynn’s original screenplay of the 1985 film.
Clue ran from February 14th through February 16th at the Glendale Performing Arts Center. This was the second production directed by GHS drama teacher Mrs. Holly Donohue, and it was the first production of its kind performed in the GPAC since 2017.
Mrs. Donohue describes the plot of the play as “six guests in a mansion who are being blackmailed, and hilarity ensues.” The production featured actors Emily Colin, Azniv Baberian, Dahlia Vignol, Isabella Alvarez, Hasmik Tumasyan, Hannah Quast and Veronica Ardon.
What’s most fun about the process of directing a play?
I love the rehearsal process. I love seeing the change that happens from the first read-through, all the way to tech week, and when the show is running. [I also enjoy] the growth and relationships that build throughout the process of rehearsal and working with my actors.
What’s the most challenging part for you?
Figuring out how everything is going to come together [including props, sets, costumes, hair and makeup]. Having it all come together and focusing on the big picture is hard, because you can get caught up in the little things.
Why did you decide on Clue as the spring production?
I love silly, slapstick plays. I don’t like to take anything too seriously, and Clue is one of my favorite movies from when I was younger.
What’s the best thing about being a director?
I think, seeing how far [the actors] come, like from where you begin with working on character to justifying certain actions.
And an honorable mention goes out to Ms. Sona Postajian for supporting Mrs. Donohue and the cast. She played such a big role (hehe) in getting the show to where it was for those three amazing nights.
If you’d like to join the GHS drama class next year, be sure to talk to your counselor! Or if you’d like to just be in a future production, keep an eye out for next year’s auditions, which are open to everyone!