Jean Doody, a senior at Glendale High School, is the new president of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). She enjoys playing the cello, painting, learning about history, walking her dog, and playing tennis. Jean also loves to read, with her favorite book being Angela’s Ashes.
UNICEF is a international organization that deals with aiding children across the world that don’t have access to basic resources, like food, water, and shelter.
Jean has been a member of UNICEF for two years, since she was a sophomore. She served as the club secretary last year.
Jean takes pride in this club because she gets to help underprivileged children around the world. She said that “every difference I make no matter how small is still a difference.”
Besides UNICEF, Jean also is a member of Glendale High School’s Symphonic Orchestra, the varsity tennis team, AP Art, and National Honor Society.
This year there are two main goals for UNICEF: fundraising and advocacy. Teaching people about UNICEF is one important thing that Jean believes should be expanded.
The club has also set a fundraiser through GoFundMe, which will be open all year. Jean explained how UNICEF has always been making a significant amount of money through fundraising, like through their annual trick-or-treat events.
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is an event that takes place on Halloween and a little bit through November, where the members of UNICEF are given boxes and ask students to put in loose pocket change. Last year, they earned $80 through loose change, which was a big accomplishment for them.
UNICEF’s fundraising goal for this year is $150, which is not as much as previous years, but it is still something.
Jean plans to attend a four-year university after graduation, and she is interested in majoring in history.
To learn more about UNICEF, follow them on their Instagram account at ghs.unicef.club, or email their advisor, Mrs. Keefer, at [email protected].