Isabella Alvarez is a senior at Glendale High School and the president of both the Drama Club and the Dungeons & Dragons Club on our campus. She has been in the Drama Club all four years at GHS, and she joined the D&D Club her sophomore year. Isabella was born in Glendale, and some of her favorite hobbies are drawing and playing video games.
Isabella first participated in the drama program during her freshman year, by taking a class taught by Mrs. Donohue. She has always liked musicals, so she got herself involved in drama because of this.
Isabella has known about D&D since she was six years old. All of the people in her friend group play D&D, so she decided to join the club at GHS. When Isabella’s friends first showed her D&D, she fell in love. “It was all of my favorite things combined: character creation [and] also using your imagination,” she stated.
Isabella’s favorite part of being president of the Drama Club is being with the people. “We all have our unique talents and our personalities,” she said. Isabella’s favorite part of the D&D Club is that all of her members come from different backgrounds and have different hobbies and things to do.
Both the Drama and D&D Clubs can benefit other GHS students through their commitment to imagination, hard work and dedication. “When you are in drama, you have to adapt and work as a team when on stage or acting,” she stated. As for D&D, it’s just another outlet to use your imagination, creativity and problem-solving.
Isabella hopes for the Drama Club to be an opportunity for her to help teach and inspire actors. For D&D Club, it is a great chance to have people be creative, go out there, and show their true selves.
People should join these clubs because they’re fun, the people in it are amazing and it’s a good way to show your creativity. Our D&D Club is open to all advanced players, and even if you’re a beginner, it doesn’t matter.
After Isabella graduates from GHS, she plans to go to an art school, and as a career, she plans to be a character designer and illustrator. She hopes that both of these clubs will continue on our campus, even after she is gone.
Something Isabella will miss about GHS is the teachers and the friends she has made. “I’m friends with underclassmen,” she said. “I won’t be able to see them as much anymore, and [I’ll miss] the program.”
If you are interested in joining the Drama Club or the D&D Club, please contact their advisor, Mrs. Donohue, at [email protected].