Most of us here at Glendale High School know about Dyno.
Dyno is our mascot, and he represents all of us at GHS sporting events and various school activities, like Round Up.
But do you REALLY know Dyno?
I had the chance to interview him and ask him some questions, and here is what he had to say.
So tell us all about yourself.
I’m Dyno. I’m the Glendale High School mascot. I made my reappearance last year, and I’m glad to see everybody.
Ever since everything blew up with the pandemic, Dyno kinda just went away. But after seeing everyone come back into the school spirit, Dyno [has] reappeared.
Dyno, why is it that you don’t normally speak to people?
Well, Dyno expresses himself through hand movements and gestures, like a thumbs-up, thumbs-down, or just all body expressions, [with] no mouth movements. As a mascot, Dyno kinda just wants to show [his] excitement for [events] like, football games, just through expressions, not through voice, because I feel like expressions help with the Spirit of Glendale.
So if I jump around, all the Nitros are gonna start jumping around. And that’s better than a voice, I would say.

How long have you been the mascot here at GHS?
Well, Dyno has been a mascot for many years, but Dyno has reappeared last year as his new improved self from past Dynos. [It’s the same] Dyno, but new appearance, and [he’s] ready to bring back the spirit after a hard pandemic life.
We want people to not just go to school for education, which is obviously very important, but to also enjoy what they’re learning and have socialization time, and just to support each other, which is very important in high school. It’s social life, supporting others, and getting an education. Basically, Dyno got therapy.
Dyno, why do you speak in the third person?
That’s a really good question. Dyno doesn’t really know. Dyno just likes speaking in the third person. Dyno likes Dyno’s name.
Do you have any insider knowledge about GHS?
Dyno knows that [within] every Nitro is some school spirit; Dyno can feel it. Dyno is a Jedi, [and] he has that Force. Like when people are at those football games, and someone’s not cheering, Dyno knows there’s some spirit in there, [and] it’ll come out.
Freshmen [especially] are usually pretty shy, but Dyno has come to realize that as they progress through high school, they start to become more spirited and they start to get more involved in the school. And that’s what Dyno likes to see: involvement and actual happiness. [Students should want] to be at school for the education, for the spirit, [and] just for the fun.
Dyno, no offense, but what would happen if the fuse on your head were to be lit?
Dyno would just be extra spirited, but that’s why there’s no more fuse, because [of the] Dyno incident of 1990.

Dyno, what is it like being married to a shark?
Honestly, Sashimi and I, we’re doing great. Ever since Surf Club was created, I just felt the presence of another mascot. And then this year, it was like love at first sight.
I saw Sashimi, and I was like yes, Round Up. We set the date to be married, and it was official. It was great, and we’re just gonna have an amazing marriage at GHS.
What is your advice for being a sentient stick of dynamite?
If you or anyone out there is a sentient stick of dynamite, I’d just like to say, run around, be crazy, [and] blow up, because that’s what dynamites are meant to do. They’re meant to explode with spirit and joy, and that’s what Dyno wants the Nitros to do, even though they’re probably not sentient sticks of dynamite. My advice is that everyone should act like a sentient stick of dynamite.
Do you have any final advice for GHS graduates?
I would say to my fellow graduates, enjoy your final years of high school, and don’t think that, after high school, it’s just gonna go downhill, because that’s not true. You get to start your life independently after high school.
But enjoy what you have now. Enjoy the friendships. Enjoy the bad times, and enjoy the good times. You need to have a balance, because then [you’ll see] how much [you’re] going to enjoy the good things.
Enjoy the spirit. Enjoy the fun. It’ll continue to happen, but you have to continue to enjoy the present. And be excited about the future. So always look forward, is what Dyno would like to say.
Dyno looks forward to representing us here at GHS and entertaining us, so we have to make sure to explode with spirit just for him. And please follow him on Instagram: @ghsdyno!
Until next time: tick, tick, BOOM!