Title IX is a law that prevents sex-based discrimination in any education-based system. The people who oppose it are those who believe that it makes schools biased towards boys, and it may lead to false allegations against them.
However, this law is very important, because it protects people who are trans or identify as something else. Title IX gives the right to transgender, non-binary and other identities to use whichever name or pronoun they want that best suits them. It also allows them to enter a bathroom and locker room according to their gender-identity. This civil rights law also prevents you from being bullied or harassed, just because of how you identify yourself.
People who are transgender, non-binary, or gender-fluid have somewhat of a safe space at school. When staff members communicate with you or talk about you, they will have to address you by the correct pronoun (like they/them or she/them) and your correct name. The consequences following this include getting a verbal or written warning, a loss of scholarships to the school, or a loss of employment.
This also gives students an equal opportunity to join athletic teams and other programs, without being declined because of their identity. The Title IX law also prohibits any person from being harassed, bullied, or denied entrance to the correct bathroom or locker room of their choosing.
All transgender people should be allowed to choose which bathroom they want to use, and it shouldn’t be determined by their gender at birth. During the Obama presidency, he advised that transgender people are allowed to choose the bathroom according to what they identify as. As of today, Joe Biden’s administration made an executive order preventing discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.
The LGBTQA+ community has received several benefits since Biden became president, which is a win for all of us. This marks a huge change for the community and hopefully, no future president will try to reverse these decisions. During the first days of President Trump’s presidency, he removed any mention of the LGBTQA+ community from White House websites. He also nominated Justice Neil Gorsuch, who prepared anti-transgender injunctions, for the Supreme Court. With people like him working in the government, it created a lot of disadvantages for the LGBTQA+ community.
People should also be respected no matter whom they love or how they choose to identify. For all students who are a part of the LGBTQA+ community, Title IX gives them rights in their school. They’re eligible to sue, or to file a complaint to the superintendent, who is the head of the district. They’re also allowed to contact the national offices of the ACLU and GLESN if they feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or discriminated against.
Overall, no matter how you identify yourself, you should be respected. As a person who’s a part of the LGBTQA+ community and identifies as gender-fluid, it’s important to me that I feel welcomed in my school and that my teachers respect me.
In general, having a place where students can feel accepted will benefit their lives, because they may not be accepted in their own household. It’s difficult, because you’ll either get so much hate or love. There will be people who will leave you just because of who you love or how you identify. I love that Title IX protects us, because we need it.