Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba is an anime series about a young boy named Tangiro (Natsuki Hanae) who has his whole family killed, except his younger sister. Demon Slayer was released on April 6, 2019, and it began streaming on Netflix in 2021. The series is based on a manga of the same name that was released on February 16, 2016.
The Demon Slayer manga quickly became popular, leading the developers to adapt it into a series. The story originally was going to be much darker and wasn’t going to have any comedy in it at all. Still, the developers wanted a series where anyone could watch it and be entertained, so they changed the series into a more comedic and interesting story.
Demon Slayer has high-level animation and excellent action scenes. It can have you jumping up from excitement at one moment and then crying at another. This series is like a rollercoaster of emotions, and you never know what’s going to happen next. Everyone should watch at least the first episode, and I can guarantee that most of you will continue watching this series.
Tangiro and Nezuko are the two main characters that we meet in the first episode of the story. They are both siblings living a normal life, until one day Tangiro goes to the city. Once it gets dark outside, a stranger offers to let him stay at his house, and the stranger introduces himself as Sakonji Urokodaki.
In the morning, Tangiro returns home to find that his entire family has been killed except for his younger sister, Nezuko, who has now been turned into a demon. The series continues to introduce more characters the more you watch it.
For me, it was my sister that first got me hooked on this series. At first I didn’t want to watch it, but I eventually decided to try it out, and now I can’t wait until the next season comes out.
So why should you watch Demon Slayer? Well, it’s never too late to try out something new. And you never know: you might actually like the series and get attached to it, like I have.
I would say that you should at least watch the first two or three episodes, just to try it out, and trust me, you will get hooked. If you don’t like action, violence or comedy, and if you’re not into high-quality animation, then yes, you probably won’t like it.
So what are you waiting for?! Log on to Netflix, or another streaming platform, and watch Demon Slayer today!