Too many expectations can be very good for children, from many different aspects. On the other side of the coin, you have the individuals who believe that putting too many expectations on children can be stressful and detrimental. These people believe that children should find their own way around their problems and have the “let them find their own way around it” mentality.
However, from an educational standpoint overworking and over-expecting from children can lead to a better future for both the child and their family. Expecting too much from children can also put children into the correct mindset and help them in dealing with future tasks, such as job interviews and college entry letters.
The first question we should ask is, what exactly does over-expectation look like? In the article “Why Can’t Johnny Jump Tall Buildings”, the author explains that high expectation may include demanding peace and quiet as an over expectation from children, especially after you have done everything in your power as a parent to keep them from crying and whining. According to the author, having high expectations can require anything from any age group, but it depends on the subject that the expectations are being laid upon.
Overall, the benefits of over-expecting from children can be phenomenal. In the article, “Why Kids Thrive When We Set High Expectations”, the author goes into heavy detail about how having a high expectation for children can be good for the child’s mentality. However, taking it overboard can be detrimental to the child’s mental well-being. The author also talks about how aiming too low can be harmful to a child’s mental health.
Furthermore, a child should have above-average role models but should not be out of bounds when looking for someone to relate to or look up to. In contrast, it is necessary to have realistic expectations for children, as no kid can be a superhero or run 30 miles per hour.
Moreover, in the article, “5 Ways to Set ‘High Expectations’ Without ‘High Pressure’”, the author discusses a specific study on high expectations from parents. There was a survey where 6,800 students were given high expectations for a specific period of time, while other children were not. When they all took the same test, the students who had higher expectations placed on them performed significantly better than the children who had not. The author also concludes that without expectations, children will not feel that they are capable of succeeding or completing the tasks at hand.
The author further states that having high expectations for children, without any additional pressure, can allow them to keep setting goals for themselves and feel like they are able to achieve their goals. On the other hand, pressuring children can lead to negative outcomes, such as them no longer setting goals and essentially giving up and feeling as if they cannot accomplish their tasks.
Finally, in the article, “Why You Should Set High Expectations For Your Children”, the author asserts that we can improve society by over-expecting from our children. This can help to change their mindset and improve their education, thus resulting in a society where our children do not get by on the bare minimum and are constantly setting goals for themselves.
All in all, over-expectations for children should be the norm nowadays in our society, because it allows them to exceed those that have come before them. If everyone in the world is an underachiever, the world will be in a worse position from where it is today. The high expectations that we place on children will result in the bright minds of our future generation.