The Pat Navolanic Memorial Award is the most prestigious honor that can be bestowed upon a Glendale High School senior. Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA, leadership experience, 30 hours of community service, a varsity letter in one sport or competitive team, and participation in student activities.
The PNMA is sponsored by the Glendale High School chapter of the National Honor Society, whose advisor is Ms. Holly Ciotti.
This year there were fourteen eligible applicants for the PNMA, which is the largest number of applicants in the history of the award. Selection Day was held in-person on the afternoon of April 7, and over 80 GHS club presidents, team captains and ASB officers were part of the selection team.
Here are your five PNMA Finalists:
Lizzie Davtyan
Lizzie is a three-year member of the girls varsity tennis team, the founder and president of the GHS Surf Club, the current ASB Director of Nitro Crew, the VP of the Letters to Rose Club, the VP of Hunger Heroes Club, a Glendale Girls Tennis assistant coach and a Super Tutor. She is a member of NHS and CSF, and she was the winner of the Speech competition at the 2021 Oratorical. Lizzie is a volunteer for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Glendale Girls Tennis, Hekiati Zham, Letters for Rose and the WE Charity. She has also conducted beach cleanups in Santa Monica, California.
Lindsay Ray Doody
Lindsay is the current Senior Class Treasurer, the previous ASB Director of VAPA, a four-year member and former captain of the GHS Cheer Team, the president of her Girl Scout troop, a counselor at Girl Scout Camp Mariposa, and a chaplain of Glendale Youth and Government. She is a member of CSF and a math tutor. Lindsay is a volunteer for Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles, the Peace Walk and the Montrose Parade.
Francine Ghazarian
Francine is a member of the girls varsity tennis team, the president and founder of the GHS Model United Nations Club, a two-year leader of the GHS Cello Section, the VP of the Tri-Music Honor Society, a four-year member and current secretary for Symphonic Orchestra, the two-year Director of Activities for Armenian Club, and a four-year member of her Class Council. She is a member of CSF and NHS, and she was the winner of the Speech competition at the 2023 Oratorical. Francine is a volunteer at Learning Mission Armenia, a fundraiser for Narek Hotel, Letters for Rose, the WE Charity and the Glendale Youth Symphony.
Emma Gonzalez
Emma is a four-year member and current captain of the girls water polo team, she is the founder and co-president of the Creative Writing Club, the co-president of Book Club, the event chair for WE Club, and the secretary for National Honor Society. She is a member of NHS and CSF, a Glendale Homenetmen Ararat Scouting leader for girls age 6 to 9 years, a Armenian Summer camp counselor, and a selection for the Glendale Memorial Hospital and Healthcare Internship Program. She is also currently serving her second term on the City of Glendale Committee on the Status of Women. Emma is a volunteer for the GHS Children’s Hospital LA Club, the WE Charity, the City of Glendale Human Resources, the Homenetmen Ararat Glendale Chapter Aid for Artsakh, the Glendale Central Library, and the City of Glendale Adult Recreation Center Holiday Program.
Lilian Mirzakanian
Lilian is a four-year member and captain of the girls track and field team, the current Senior Class VP, the former Junior Class VP, the founder and president of the GHS Girls in STEM Club, the VP of Future Doctors of America Club, the VP of Children’s Hospital LA Club, the VP of the Red Cross Club and the VP of the Faith Club. She is a member of NHS and CSF, and she is the founder of the non-profit organization, Armenian War Heroes. Lilian is a volunteer for the American Red Cross, the Christ Armenian Church, and the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Thank you also to our nine PNMA Semi-Finalists: Lia Artoon Levaskanni, Cassidy Azores, Sarah Davtyan, Hannah Raine Dizon, Angela Krikorian, Riley Millward, Samantha Sabal, Jacqueline Sanchez, and Natalie Sargisyan!
The winner of the 2023 Pat Navolanic Memorial Award will be announced at a double-assembly on May 19th in the Glendale Performing Arts Center! Stay tuned!