If you know anything about the Nitros tennis program, then you’ve probably heard the co-captain’s nickname, “Krispy”.
Kristy Tarbinian is a junior at Glendale High School, who was born and raised here in our city. While being a star student, and also excelling on the court, she always saves time for her hobbies, such as practicing tennis, playing video games, biking, and doing other types of outdoor activities.
What’s really mind-blowing is how Kristy became a tennis player by sheer coincidence! She missed out on tryouts for other sports during her freshman year, and her family eventually encouraged her to try something new. Who knew that missing a tryout for her preferred sport would lead her down a different path!
Kristy feels that balancing academics and sports “can be difficult, and [it] is all about what you prioritize at a given moment.” She added that, after doing this for such a long time, it’s become second nature to her, and she can naturally balance everything accordingly.

While she focuses on academics, Kristy always makes sure to push herself during practices. She believes that the tennis team is a very welcoming and positive environment. Her teammates always support each other whenever possible, whether it’s concerning technique or footwork. Before each match, her coaches always make sure to give an inspirational speech to motivate the players.
It’s clear that having a good balance between school and sports, and also having supportive teammates, is essential to excelling on the court. But we can’t forget that maintaining a positive attitude is just as important. Kristy mentioned, “When it comes to tennis, being athletic is not the only thing you need to be. You could be athletic, get all your shots over, but if you miss even one, not having a positive attitude can cause you to crash down.”
For anyone who is interested in joining the tennis team, Kristy believes that they should “go for it!” Everyone should always aim to be the best they can be and leave their best work on the court. It’s about taking initiative and practicing outside of school, which can help you get better, both day in and day out.
And if you want to join the tennis team next season, please contact Coach Jenks at [email protected]. Just keep swinging, Nitros!