Inside Out 2, a sequel to the first film that was released in 2015, is a 2024 animated coming-of-age film produced by Pixar Animation Studios, and directed by Kelsey Mann. You can stream this movie now on Disney+.
In this sequel, Riley goes through some complex changes, both mentally and physically, and she experiences newer, more “sophisticated” feelings as a result. As she is going through these sudden changes, her old emotions try to adapt to the idea of being replaced.
We see a conflict arise in this movie when Anxiety, one of the newer emotions, has a very different idea on how Riley’s life should go and what decisions she should be making to be happy and popular. This drives her to take over the headquarters of Riley’s mind.
A factor of this movie that really stands out is the way the writers represent the human mind and its inner-workings. It shows the importance of embracing chaotic emotions and feelings of self doubt. The film teaches you about self-acceptance and being who you really are. It also has valuable lessons about mental health and balance.
This film is a pot overflowing with uplifting moments, mixing both 2D and 3D animation, beautiful special effects, life lessons, and comedy. The Pixar team really outdid themselves with this one.
The best scene in the movie is when Anxiety realizes that she’s hurting Riley and that she can’t change who Riley is. This moment is similar to the first movie, when Joy realizes that she can’t hide Sadness away and that she can’t make Riley the happiest person ever.
Just to throw in a little fun fact: it was confirmed that the Pixar team waited a whole nine years to release this second movie. Most likely, they wanted to wait for the kids or viewers who watched the first one to grow up, so they could have more of a connection with the movie and relate to it more.
The writers and animators put so much time and effort into this movie, clearly wanting to make it special and heartwarming. Putting some of the cringiest moments you’ve ever seen aside, this is a spectacular sequel.
Yes, this seems like a bit too much to write for a Disney movie, and I’m completely aware of that, but this movie has everything. There is a reason why this is currently the number-one box office hit of the year, earning nearly $1.7 billion dollars worldwide.
Despite this being a movie that a lot of people have watched, to the people that haven’t checked it out yet, I highly recommend you give it a watch. And to the people who have already seen it, WATCH IT AGAIN!