The popular movie Scarface premiered on December 9, 1983. It stars the legendary Al Pacino, and it was directed by Brian De Palma and written by Oliver Stone. Another film by the same name was released in 1932, but these two movies aren’t connected at all.
Scarface is the perfect movie for people who enjoy action and drama. These elements keep you captivated, wanting to finish the whole film in one sitting. This movie will interest anyone and everyone, as it is one of the best movies of all time.
Al Pacino is one of the best actors out there, but in Scarface, he gives one of his best performances. He plays Tony Montana, a Cuban immigrant who is kicked out of Cuba by Fidel Castro, as a way to remove criminals from the country.
The movie begins with Tony arriving at a refugee camp. During a riot, he kills Emilio Rebanag, a Cuban general who is involved in the murders of a few prisoners. Tony and his friend, Manalo Ribera, later climb the ranks of the Lopez Cartel and later take it over.
When I first watched Scarface, I thought it was one of the best movies I had ever seen. An iconic line in the movie is “The world is yours,” as it causes Tony to rise to the top of the crime world.
The thing I enjoyed most about this movie is the perfect way that De Palma directed this movie and the great choice of the actors. The music in this movie is also great, because it completely matches each scene. An example of this is during the start of the movie, when Tony is arriving in the United States, and the tune fits so perfectly.
The most iconic scene in this movie is when Tony’s compound is finally attacked, and he says the famous line, “Say hello to my little friend.” In my opinion, this is the best and most iconic line in the movie, as it has appeared on T-shirts, an episode of Family Guy, and in multiple other pop culture references.
Multiple lessons can be learned from Scarface, especially that you should always do something before it causes more problems. An example of this is when Tony finally rises to lead the Lopez Cartel, he makes the mistake of not killing a journalist who was going to expose the cartel, and this decision costs him dearly.
The best things about this movie are the fight scenes and the story. It is a classic movie that everyone should check out! And if you enjoy Scarface, I suggest you watch The Godfather series, as all of them have great story development and are action-packed.