Nara Aziza Smith is a 23-year-old model and social media influencer. She first began to be known for her cooking videos on TikTok in late 2023, and for her Mormon Model husband, Lucky Blue Smith. However, not long after she started making these videos, people began to criticize her for embracing the “tradwife” lifestyle.
A “tradwife,” or a traditional wife, is a woman who believes in practicing traditional gender roles in marriage, such as staying home with the kids, cooking, cleaning, and being compliant to their husband. Since Smith and her husband are Mormon, it’s no surprise that they embraced this conservative way of thinking. Despite the criticisms that Smith has received for having a “tradwife” lifestyle, she is still a very successful model, influencer, and mother.

Smith has faced a backlash for many different aspects of her life. Most of the online hatred she receives is based on the fact that people think she is trying to convert everyone to Mormonism, which is not true. Smith’s videos are solely about cooking or lifestyle.
The internet also just criticizes Smith for her faith. They argue that they can’t support someone who believes in a religion built off problematic customs, like sexism, racism, and sexual violence. However, she never talks about her religious beliefs or tries to push any political agenda, in her videos.
Smith has even faced a backlash for cooking everything from scratch, which can sometimes be a little silly or impractical, but it is not a problem. If anything, her content encourages people to start cooking at home by showcasing different themes in her recipes.
But this brings us to yet another problem the internet has with Smith. People assume that she is showcasing “unattainable, toxic expectations for mothers in a country famously unfriendly and unsupportive of mothers.”
Yes, it would be nice if Smith acknowledged that there are people who cannot afford this lifestyle, or do not have the flexibility in their schedule to follow her methods. But why do we never hold other celebrity mothers to the same standard?
When someone like Nara Smith can stay home and take care of her children, cook, clean and still have a career, they are hypercritical of her. But someone like Kim Kardashian, who is a very successful business woman, has nannies and other people to do her household chores, and no one says anything.
Few mothers and wives can afford the luxury of being home all day, cooking, cleaning, and having an all-designer wardrobe. But it isn’t Smith’s fault that this is how her life has played out for her. She has built the life she wanted to have, and she is living that life to the fullest, so she shouldn’t be criticized for doing so.
Being a tradwife, or having a traditional lifestyle, should not be an issue at all. It is those toxic men, who believe that all women should accept this role happily and let their husbands lead the household, who are the problem.
And with all that women have fought for over the past 100 years, they should be able to choose what lifestyle they want and not receive any criticism for this. Honestly right now, being a woman is hard. And it’s even harder when we have so many people being hypercritical over everything we do.
Many internet stars have been relentlessly nitpicked and criticized for every little thing they do. We need to stop hating people for their life decisions and focus on addressing the bigger, more significant issues at hand. We should be worrying about protecting our rights and raising kids correctly, instead of attacking someone on the internet that is just trying to make their way in the world.