The hit TV show Dexter first aired on October 1, 2006, on Showtime, and it was followed by a sequel series called Dexter: New Blood, which was released on November 7, 2021. They are also working on a new spin-off series called Dexter: Original Sin, which is set to be released tomorrow on Friday, December 13. Dexter was first developed by James Manos Jr., with the main writers being Clyde Phillips, Scott Buck, and multiple others. You can stream the first eight seasons of this series right now on Netflix.
Dexter is a perfect mix of mystery, action, and sometimes comedy. The mystery is captivating, which makes you want to binge-watch the whole first season, and the action is perfect, especially when Dexter’s victims retaliate against him. Michael C. Hall is a great actor, but his performance as Dexter makes him look like an even better actor. This TV show will interest everyone, as it is the perfect show.
The show Dexter is about a blood splatter analyst, who works for the Miami Police Department during the day, but kills people at night. He only murders criminals that either haven’t been caught, or haven’t been punished enough by the law. We later find out that horrible events from his childhood have helped to shape the adult that Dexter has eventually become.
Season 1 of the series kicks off with Dexter arriving at a motel where his sister, Debra Morgan, informs him of the gruesome murder of an unidentified woman, where her limbs have been dismembered. This is the work of the Ice Truck Killer, an unknown man who is later revealed to be a man who makes prosthetic limbs.
The first season is a perfect start for the show, because so much happens during those twelve episodes. At least one unknown woman is killed by the Ice Truck Killer every episode, and this helps to add more to the story.
Season 4 begins with the main antagonist of that season, the Trinity Killer, who murders a young woman in her bathtub with a razor blade. Dexter discovers that Trinity is actually a man who is well-liked by his community and a “loving” father to his wife, Sally, and his two children, Rebecca and Jonah.
When I first watched Dexter, I was captivated by the mystery, the drama and the action, as it is the perfect mix of all these elements. One of the most iconic lines from Dexter is “Tonight’s the night,” and he always says this when a new criminal will be joining his trophy collection, which is a box full of blood slides.
What I enjoy most about this series are the serial killers for each season. The best ones are Trinity, Doomsday, and Ice Truck, and the more you watch each season, the more interesting it gets because of the perfect character development.
Seasons 1 and 4 are the two that are most worth watching, because the story progression for these seasons is great and the more you watch, the more is revealed.
The actors and music in this series are also terrific. The actors are perfect in every scene, as their performances are some of the best out there. The songs are also great, as they match every scene they appear in. For example, when Dexter is going to kill a new serial killer, a song starts playing that completely complements the scene.
If you enjoy Dexter, I suggest you also go and watch Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad, as they are both about anti-heroes, and they are some of the best shows of all time. All three of their stories will keep you captivated.