Maram Yassine wants to help you make new friends!
She is a junior at Glendale High School, and she is a part of the National Honors Society. Maram is also the current president of Key Club at GHS, which is a well-known community service club, and she has been a part of this organization since her freshman year.
What made you want to join Key Club?
At first, I joined for the community service opportunities, but then I learned how big Key Club is, and how many people it actually reaches. And I got more involved in the positions that are available.
What’s the purpose of Key Club?
It’s meant to serve the community, while also giving high school students the opportunity to make friends, earn [community service] hours, and gain leadership skills.
What do you do during club meetings?
During the meetings, we talk about any upcoming events, whether [they] be on the club level or division level, or possibly even the district level. We also take in ideas for more events we can do at our own school.
What kind of projects and activities does Key Club do outside of school?
Our most popular event is probably Project Angel Food, which is where you make food packages for people who are unable to provide their own meals, [either] because of a disability or an illness or something of the sort.
What is your favorite part of being president of Key Club?
I like meeting new people at our school. I like getting people involved, the freshman especially, because they are always so excited to be a part of a bunch of new things. They tend to contribute the most to our club.
How can Key Club benefit other GHS students and why should they join?
You get so many opportunities to gain community service. Most of mine come from Key Club. Also I’ve met a lot of people through Key Club, and that’s even outside of school. I’ve met people from different districts. I’ve met people all across L.A., and even further than that. Key Club is a great way to meet a whole bunch of people and make friends.
What other information about this club should GHS students know?
They should know Key Club is a part of the Kiwanis family. Kiwanis [is} a very widely recognized community service organization for adults, and Key Club is their high school version of that. They sponsor us, [and] they take care of all our financial situations. We sometimes have events with them, almost as a collaboration.
Maram hopes that Key Club will be able to increase member involvement and grow as a club this year. After her graduation, in the Spring of 2026, she hopes someone ambitious and punctual takes over the club, so it stays afloat. In the future, Maram hopes to attend a good college and study pharmacology, to later become a pharmacologist.
If you are interested in joining Key Club, please contact their advisor, Ms. Postajian, at [email protected], or follow Key Club on Instagram: