Mrs. Naira Nikogosian is a woman of many talents. From publishing her book “The Night of Waiting”, to studying journalism, and political science and holding a Master of Arts degree in Armenian and English, she’s bound to wow you with her vast knowledge.
Mrs. Nikogosian has spent most of her life working in various occupations, such as an Armenian and English teacher in Armenia and Russia. She was recently hired to teach Armenian and English Language Development (ELD) at Glendale High School.Mrs.Nikogoisan knows that teaching doesn’t come easily for everyone and has had her share of difficulties as a teacher. “First off, my previous teaching experience helped me,” she said. “But I would say the most difficult part is the students who don’t have experience with the Armenian language. This class is generally fine; they read and write. Some of my other classes have more difficulty, but it isn’t a problem for me, [as] all my students are outstanding.”
Although difficult at times, teaching also has its good moments. “My favorite part [is that] I’m a creative person,” Mrs. Nikogosian said. “I have many Armenian classes, and no day is the same. One class goes one way, another class another way. You design each class based on their proficiency.
“I also like how I’m not just teaching a language,” she continued. “I’m also teaching culture. Later on, we can strive for more advanced work, as the students grow in skill.”

As Mrs. Nikogosian is a woman of tremendous talent, she also has several interests that take up her free time. She said, “I love reading a lot, baking, and especially spending time with family. I am a proud mother of two sons, so everything is family.” This dedication to her family is admirable.
But Mrs. Nikogosian’s journey is just getting started, and she has high hopes for her future at GHS. “This is my first year here, [and] I have to spend this school year understanding because every child is different,” she said. “Everyone’s mentality is different. Someone wants one thing, [and] someone wants another.
“My main wish is for our students to successfully learn language,” she said. “For example, I’m talking to you, and I hope I can convince you to learn Armenian or improve your English skills. That’s what I see as my future here—for me to start that fire in a student to learn.”
Mrs. Nikogosian is still taking the first steps in her career at GHS, and her concern for her students’ future shows her compassion and adoration for this school. We can’t wait to see what she gets done, and we are very fortunate to have her!