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The News Website for Glendale High School


The News Website for Glendale High School


Art Club President Isaac Ibarra Is a Draw-Dropping Artist


Isaac Ibarra is a senior at Glendale High School, a member of National Honor Society, and the president of the GHS Art Club. He is an outstanding student, who tries his best to succeed, and he puts in a lot of effort in helping his community, whether it is through ASB, community service, school events, or his club.

Isaac is always there when people need a hand, and he doesn’t hesitate to give both academic and truthful life advice. One of Isaac’s interesting attributes is that he is a very creative person, who loves subjects such as writing, but especially art. Whether he is working in digital or traditional formats, Isaac always makes wonderful art pieces that really bring out elements of himself through his art. 

However, Isaac’s equally most profound individualistic trait is his honesty. He hates “putting up fronts” and dislikes pretending to be someone else to please other people; he likes to be himself with “no mask” on, despite what others think. 

Additionally, through Art Club, it is clear from the start that Isaac has become a great leader–one that he himself did not think that he could ever become. When he went to his first meeting, he felt as if he wasn’t pressured to join and admired the atmosphere of the club. He felt that it was a place where he finally belonged.

This is the main reason that Isaac has transformed into the prepared and outgoing person he is now. He has developed traits that once were much harder for him to attain without the responsibility of being a club leader, but now they are in his hands. 

Isaac also really enjoys music of any variety. Despite the fact that he cannot sing, he likes primarily pop music, as he finds it the best music to dance to in his room at 3 am.

Art has greatly affected Isaac in a way where he can now more easily express his emotions, and it has made him more vulnerable as a person. What once was difficult to portray on a canvas, he now accomplishes with ease, but even with the obstacles in his way, he doesn’t give up and works forward.

Isaac also loves video games and thinks they’re a great way to pass the time, even if “it sounds basic.” He adores strategy games and games with a more creative build, such as indie games and others that are popular among our students. 

Issac equally enjoys cooking and had even mentioned his experience of taking cooking classes throughout middle school. He found it to be an amazing experience that was both relaxing and rewarding.

Isaac is truthfully unsure of how he will tackle his future, and it isn’t yet clear to him what he wants to do in life. He admits that he’s still “figuring it out as I go.” He confirms that he most likely will go to an art college, as he wants to meet other artists, experience their points of view, and make connections with other studios.

If you would like more information about Art Club at GHS, please contact Ms. Shiroyan at [email protected]

About the Contributor
Elizabeth Nikol Sargsyan
Elizabeth Nikol Sargsyan, Staff Writer
Elizabeth is a senior at Glendale High School. She used to be the Art Club president, and she enjoys animating full time, both as a hobby and for her future career. In her off time, she indulges in weird horror movies and strange horror/sci-fi novels, and she enjoys hiking.
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