Spirited Away is a 2001 film, written and directed by the great Hayao Miyazaki, a founder of Studio Ghibli. Miyazaki has made at least twenty-eight films, with Spirited Away winning fifty-eight various awards, including the Oscar for Best Animated Feature.
This movie requires the audience to analyze and really focus on the plot, to understand the complex themes of this whimsical animated journey. The film is an enjoyable and interesting watch, with a deeper meaning rooted within the story.
The story follows a young girl named Chihiro “Sen” Ogino, who moves away from the comfort of her home, all the way to the suburbs. While exploring what seems to be an abandoned park with her parents, Chihiro ends up in the world of Haki. When her parents take food they aren’t supposed to take, they are turned into pigs, after the sun has set completely.
Chihiro eventually meets a mysterious young man named Haku who explains to her that the park is a resort, or staying place, for spirits. She learns that she must put in labor to free her parents from their curse.
One thing I adore about this movie is its unique art style. It manages to include details and realism, while still having a cartoony aspect to it. I can see why it has been awarded for its easy-on-the-eyes aesthetic and smooth animation.
Its artwork mixes so well with the soundtrack, and the music is just the chef’s kiss. I could go on forever talking about how much I just love the style of this film.
Speaking of which, the character design, and the characters themselves, are just spectacular. All the main characters’ personalities are so distinct and colorful, which is one of the reasons I love all of the Studio Ghibli movies. Another thing I like about this movie is the important roles each character plays in the story, and even the ones that may seem unimportant have an impact on Chihiro’s journey.
While watching this movie, you may also think about the possible outcomes that might have happened but do not. For example, if Chihiro’s parents had never taken the food made for the spirits, they wouldn’t have been turned into pigs. They would have been stuck with her, which could have prevented some events from ever happening. If some characters weren’t in a certain place at a certain time, the whole story would be changed completely.
Overall, this movie is just beautiful, and within the first ten minutes, you can already tell how much effort and soul has been put into this film. And if you really like this movie, I recommend checking out all the other films and artwork developed by Studio Ghibli.